Sunday, November 2, 2008

Green Meadow 绿禾养生坊

Found a nice place to have Organic Food! It's located at SS2, which is Green Meadow Health Cafe & Wellness Center, 62-52C, SS2/67, 47300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.

吃到不知要吃什么,一到午餐就头疼的地步(早餐晚餐可以喝Herbalife待餐),这个周末,竟让我和宝贝发现了世外桃源,而且只隔几条街!那就是坐落于SS2的Green Meadow(Murni, Public Bank 后面,HSBC Sales Office,KFC,太子茶餐厅那排店,北京同仁堂隔壁)啦!这间毫不起眼的绿禾餐馆,可说是让我大开眼界啦~ 曾经在面试时考官出个题目叫我选择快餐或有机餐,我毫不犹豫的选了快餐,如今,如果有机会再回到那时,我肯定选绿禾的有机餐!Da Gao Lok Dong, 给你看看以下这些照片先!

It looks like Sushi, It tastes like Sushi, but it's not Sushi! It's SEAWEED HO-FUN ROLL. Ingredients? Carrots, Cucumber and etc. wrapped with Seaweed and HO-FUN! This is IMPRESSIVE! I never imagine of this combination before! RM4.90 per plate.


This is Hakka Abacus. That was my first time to try it and guess what! I love it! I don't how to categorize it, main dish? or side dish? Whatever is it, just order it! You may think it's just flour, but I bet you won't think like that after trying it! RM4.90 per plate.

客家算盘子!从没试过!第一次摆入口,感觉真的是~~~赞啊~看到它时,在我想象中,它只是一团面粉,就像...就像...就像汤圆!对!就像汤圆!Mana zai ia, 不是这么回事leh~吃起来,有少少的口感,就像炒过的汤圆(怎么会有人拿汤圆来炒leh?@_@),不过内部的味道绝对不是汤圆的味道,就是有一种...一种...香香的味道,可又说不上是什么味道,总之是好吃啦!去吃就对啦!(舌穷,Fak Lan Zha!)RM4.90.

Their quote their set meal at RM11.90. You have to pay additional RM1.00 for a herbal tea (Fishwort Herbal Tea Booster). They serve you charcoal brown rice, organic vegetables, and 2 side dishes. You may choose 2 out of the following :

  1. Tofu with Chinese blar blar blar :P

  2. Tofu with Seaweed

  3. Stewed Lotus Root

  4. Vegetarian Curry

  5. Cabbage Rolls

  6. Seaweed Tofu Slice
I chose vegetarian curry and cabbage rolls.

套餐! 出乎意料的好,只需区区RM11.90,你就可享有非常健康和丰盛的一餐,如果你和快餐做个比较,这个套餐简直是便宜到lao sai!通常那些所谓的套餐都是东凑西拼,扣个一两零吉,然后来个大标题"乱乱卖!省blar blar blar零吉",但是,这里可是货真价实哦!有机蔬菜加上糙米还有两个泡菜,你说值不值?还很大盘的leh~你看!盘里的菜都没什么空间呼吸了!那两个泡菜你可以选:

  1. 香X豆腐(相机太烂,看不清香什么,抱歉抱歉!)

  2. 海带菜豆腐

  3. 应该是素加哩吧?抱歉抱歉!

  4. 卤莲藕

  5. 包菜卷

  6. 煎海苔豆片
Amazing! Cabbage roll! I wonder how they wrap the things properly with cabbage. Don't you think so?

Teo Chew O-Nii! It was my first attempt to taste it. I don't know how to appreciate it. It tastes like a sweet watery santan, and I don't like it. I don't mind if you want to share your experience with me. RM4.90 per plate.

They sell Organic Vegetable at here too! But I don't know the price is reasonable or not as I never research on this. No comment!

The Environment suit the restaurant name, everything looks so pleasant in green.

On top of that, they have 31 Days Set Meal Program, which could be worthwhile to participate. Anyway, I am not their spokesman, I shouldn't comment too much here, go to ask them by yourselves lah!

In a nut shell, their vision is clearly spelled out by the food, which is simple and focus on the quality of the food. They are selling neither the environment nor concept of it. With the quantity and the quality of the food that they served me, I would say it worth more than what I paid.


ting said...


Totoro said...


继续吃荤 ^.^

Ocean said...

也对,我本身也是si beh喜欢吃荤的。可是经常吃荤,如果"有人"吃剩饭pass给我吃,心里会有点不爽的,会腻的。但这一次,却是越吃越精神,"有人"吃剩饭pass给我吃,我却是由衷乐意地把它吃完eh!我很肯定这并不是因为贪新鲜!真正的体会到吃荤和吃素的分别了。