Friday, October 17, 2008

1 Month After 916

I still remember how our opposition party leader announce the plan of taking over the control of government on 16th of September 2008. However, 1 month after the announcement, nothing had been changed. I thought he able to materialise what he had promised to the public after what he had been gone through for these years. However, he failed. For whatever reasons he able to scratch out from his head, I had lost faith on him. I was naive to believe that he able to change the current situation. But, I forgot that most of the Malaysians voted Opposition Party during Malaysia's Election Year 2008 neither because believing in them nor they perform well. I would say it's purely a punishment to current government by voting the opposition. We made this decision because we don't have alternatives to express our ideas to current goverment. Pity us, don't you?

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