Sunday, September 7, 2008

美里之旅 Miri Trip 4th-7th of September 2008 Part 1

Just back from MIRI, due to the unpredictable bad weather (just like women), I got the flu at there, damn it! Opps! Sorry for my misbehave. Well, never mind, since I'm sick, I can stay at home update the trip at here, although I definitely won't be able to complete it within today due to my laziness. Anyway, the most impressive achievement would be, we named "MEI LI" (in mandarin) as "MI LI" to suit its English Name Pronounciation. Yeah!

从美里回来,由于气候大风多雨的关系,感冒了。不过没关系,趁着病假,我可以记录一下美里之旅。最值得提的是,我们帮美里安了个新名了-> 米里!Yeah~~~

Thursday, took full day leave, quite dumb, anyway, at least my schedule wasn't that pack, I still have the luxury to linger here and there in my house, kakakaka~ I departed from my house at 3 something when there was a downpour at my house area, damn it! Opps! Sorry again. Among my Kelantanese friends, Ku is my second buddy get married after 10Micheal Lim. I knew him since Stadard 2 Yellow, well, I knew him for more than 17 years already. Although I seldom contact Kelantan Buddies due to my laziness (I have to admit :P), but I never felt each of us being aparted along these years. Unless somebody try to be pattern, else, we always have endless topic to bull shit around, I like this kind of feelings. I really like to ask Ku what made him finalize such an important decision in his life, (Clarification : it's not due to pregnancy, all of us can be witness for that. :P) anyway, I know it wasn't the right time to ask such a question.

星期四,搭了Air Asia 的班机到米里去出席 Ah Ku 的婚礼。在我们这群吉兰丹朋友当中,除了10Michael Lim, Ah Ku 就是第一位出线结婚的好兄弟!从二黄班开始就认识他了,到今天,都有整整十七年了,虽然我很少联络大家(因为懒惰),但我从不觉得大家的感情有所生疏,除非有人出Pattern (Ah Ku 新介绍的术语),否则每次见面大家还是有说不完的话题,这种感觉很好。这次见到 Ah Ku真的很想向他借镜,鸡婆一下到底有什么事情触发他做出这样的一个决定(我可以confirm不是做“对”事情,因为他去年就通知我们这个婚礼了),但还是收敛一下我的八卦求知欲吧!

To be Continued...

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