This is an Indonesian restaurant which did a good branding effort. Choosing a cute chicken and a chili as their Logo, they convey their shop very well, they are selling "Hot Chicks".
有几次要小便时经过这家快餐店,都会被招牌的那几只可爱到~~~的鸡吸引到。加上人潮不错,好几次都差一点忍不住冲了进去,所幸的是,我虽然血气方刚,但自制能力可不错的哦!前几天在The Curve买了戏票后,肚子咕噜咕噜叫了起来,经过这家店前时,竟然按捺不住胃中那股蠢蠢欲动的欲火,最终屈服于那只可爱到~~~ 的母鸡的淫威之下。T_T
It's located next to Toilet at 1st floor of The Curve.
Some of their shopkeepers are imported from Indonesia, :P The restaurant is repeatedly surrounding with Malay and Indonesian Songs. I checked with the staff, Ayam Penyet means flattened chicken. Are they really flattening the chicken? Skeptical.
其实,如果你不喜欢Pasar Malam马来同胞的炸鸡,那就别浪费时间和金钱来这家快餐店了。这家店的主题是Ayam Penyet, 出于好奇Ayam Penyet到底是不是Ayam Pendek的意思,多口问了店员这个问题,哇赛!那店员竟然口操印尼音,有事没事给我来个英文解释[其实那店员只是照着餐牌读而已], Flattened Fried Chicken, 吓了我一跳!好端端的一只鸡,干嘛给它弄扁呢?真的是摸不着脑袋leh~
Tahu, Tempe & Telor Penyet RM5.90
Tahu = taufu, Tempe = ? [Taste a bit sour, should be fermented], Telor Penyet = Normal boiled egg. Nothing special except Tempe, but it doesn't taste good to me.
Wings Penyet (flattened fried chicken wings) RM5.90
Normal Fried Chicken, you get it in any Pasar Malam. But of course, the spices added in is better than Pasar Malam, and the quality control should be better. If you compare it with KFC or Macdonald, I would say the chicken is much fresh than the others.
Es Waroeng RM3.50
This is a bit special. Normal bandung ( combination of syrup and condensed milk) + Malay Cake (Dadih). It's a good try, but I won't quote is a good outcome from their innovative because I still think normal ABC taste better than this.
特别饮料 RM3.50。Bandung+马来糕。蛮特别的,但本人还是比较喜欢ABC。
Conclusion? Don't waste your time and money to this shop.
总结,这次真的是我不入地狱谁入地狱?就此一次,绝无下次!No Next Time!
纯粹是个人的意见而已,不值得尝试的食物何必浪费大家的时间呢?不信的话,Ting Ting大可去一趟地狱与大家分享的。kekeke~
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