Tuesday, November 18, 2008

XiaoHongRen 蕭閎仁



RM44.90leh~~~早知道买翻版就好啦(开玩笑的啦!)心疼吗?告诉你,BEH HIAO(不会)!因为,十首歌都很好听,如果不好听,都是很特别的歌!(这样说心情会比较好,T_T开玩笑的啦!真的都很好听leh!)


  1. ★★★★☆ 看袂落去
  2. ★★★★★ 王寶釧苦守寒窯十八年
  3. ★★★★★ 只要你在
  4. ★★★☆☆ 未完成的愛
  5. ★★★★★ 愛是什麼鬼
  6. ★★★★★ 學會
  7. ★★★★★ 原來你就在我身邊
  8. ★★★☆☆ 連貝多芬都想告訴你
  9. ★★★★★ 成名在望
  10. ★★★☆☆ 你是我的樹頭


  1. 福建歌。基本上,本人对福建歌都有所偏见,但这首歌实在是太特别啦!没法子,一定要给三颗星。有什么特别?第一句你就知道很特别了,"Tia Kong, Lu, Si Ka Nai Sai kai Sai..."(瞎编的啦~)哈哈~
  2. 这是第一首吸引我的曲子,一首歌里可以听到三种不同的曲风,把京剧混合在曲子里,又忽而快忽而慢,一下抒情,一下来点Rock,好听到~~~
  3. Walauyeh!这首歌,Lam si 任何人男的女的不男不女的,老的少的在肚子里的在棺材里的,肯定会为之所动!尤其是 Chorus 部分,“So I believe 爱就在这一刻 [si beh lam!!!唱法有点像蔡旻佑],So I believe 就算全毁灭, 你的笑容 我永远记下来 [又来一次si beh lam!!!高转音超像我的!哈哈~像王力宏啦!],这份爱 也是我最后一份爱[OK,可以溺毙于萧闳仁的歌声里了,安息~]
  4. 蛮好听的,只是,嗯~我没能对这首歌产生什么共鸣,感觉就好像抄袭王力宏旧时的唱法,没甚特别,不过他唱低音比王力宏更有磁性,带有少许沧桑感,值得嘉许。
  5. 很可爱的一首歌,听了包你开心,哈哈哈~
  6. 这首也是超好听的,“我学会了,我了解了,有些人失去都在珍惜...”[死多一次...阿弥陀佛...]
  7. 这首也是超好听的,尤其是这一句“我看着你看着我原来你在我身边~”[唱“边”这字后,还要忙飚高转音,带你上天堂,阿门...]
  8. 这首嘛~蛮特别的啦,只是稍嫌吵了一点,有点烦...
  9. 也是满可爱的,听了也是会很开心,会更奋斗!大家一起努力!!!
  10. 福建歌,我不必多说吧?不过,真的是好听,如果是华语版就爽啦!
终结嘛,我觉得萧闳仁的声音有它的特点,带有点沧桑,又不会太腻,唱起轻快的歌,感觉带有失落的人努力的心声,虽然飚高音部分有点像王力宏,不过我觉得王力宏旧时的唱法都是值得学习的,(说起力宏就不由得想起他刚出道是ABC的唱法,beh tahan,现在更糟,步王菲后尘,乱唱一番,什么“我怎么了”,应该是神经了吧?还是唱“不要害怕,唯一,Kiss Goodbye”等比较好听!)所以,我还是很期待他的下一张专辑的!而且也非常支持大家买他的CD.


Sunday, November 16, 2008


I went to 1U today for Madagascar2 with babe, after the movie, I found ASIMO is going to perform on stage! We waited for half an hour, finally, we met her. Precisely, we saw her.

Stage for ASIMO to jump here and there. Just kidding, ASIMO doesn't know how to jump yet. She knows how to walk, climbing stair case, and run. Human beings learn how to walk by crawling, I wonder ASIMO can crawl or not? The answer is obviously a big "NO"! At least, for this point of time. :P

Here come ASIMO~~~! Wow WOw WOW! Ah~~~~ Everybody, come on! Scream for her, Ah~~~ Just kidding, the opening was quite boring, not much excitement from the crowd. @_@

ASIMO, "Hi everyone!" And guess what? ASIMO is a girl! I thought ASIMO is a male based robot. Why? Because it's bald, muscular, and the chest is flat! (I am bad!:P) Anyway, it was installed with female voice!!! That's the reason I call her as "her" not "he". Well, it's easy to understand, most of the programmers seldom interact with human beings, THEY TALK TO MACHINE!!! So, they start to dream of making the machine as their Girl Friend, and finally? THEY INSTALLED ASIMO with FEMALE VOICE!!! Just kidding, no offend, I am a programmer too, and I have a human being gf too, although sometimes she looks like an evil pig with a pair of wings, kakakaka~

ASIMO is preparing to dance with the kids. "I like to move it move it, I like to move it move it..." Kakaka~ Madagascar Heat.

Say "Cheese~" But unfortunately ASIMO cannot eat cheese, she only consumes electricity.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Green Meadow Part 2 绿禾养生坊之二

Paiseh~ 我又再post这家餐馆的食物啦~没办法啦~好吃嘛~哈哈~嗯!如果你想知道关于这家店的地址地图等,可点击以下标题。先至声明,我不是这家店的代言人哦!

This is my second post on the organic food prepared by Green Meadow. For any information about location, map and other food. Please refer to:

Green Meadow 绿禾养生坊

Again, I need to highlight that I am not the spokesman of Green Meadow, the reason why I am introducing it because I really think it's a good food, and you need to share the information about good food among human beings because life is about sharing! No body can deny that organic food is good food but where to find a temptative organic food? May be somewhere else, but Green Meadow must at least in your list of choices!

Brown Rice Bean Pouch 糙米布袋饭(RM4.50)
Comment: It tastes no different from Japanese Sushi Inari, the only difference is the brown rice is not as sticky as Japanese rice. But I prefer this one, as it is not as oily as Inari. 和日本寿司的Inari有异曲同工的味道,但口感方面,还是用糙米比较棒!不过,由于绿禾在处理这道菜方面没考虑到把糙米凝聚成一块,所以吃起来,有点困难,饭都从缺口处掉了出来。

Fried Charcoal Noodles 炒碳面(RM8.90)
Comment : The gravy tastes like Hakka Abacus. The noodles is in black colour. Other than that, nothing special. 炒碳面的特点是在那面,是黑色的。当然,不是随便上些色料的。基本上,味道一般,尤其是那汁和算盘子大同小异,并没让我眼前一亮。
Hakka Lei Cha 客家擂茶(RM14.50)
Comment: This is highly recommended by me. Look at the photo and the brochure below, the food served match the brochure, am I right? How many times you were disappointed by KFC, McD, or Burger King because of their "BIG" size burger advertisement? I bet this is not going to happen here. 有听过什么是"Ho Liao Dim Deh"吗?好料沉底!感谢你读到这里,为了感激你,我隆重介绍~客家擂茶!为什么?因为,好吃!大份!爽!我喜欢!

看看菜单里图片上的份量,再看看上图的份量,你不得不惊呼“童叟无欺”这四字吧?Let's see next photo.

再看看这图,大份吧?You won't disagree with my statement, will you?

1 Hakka Lei Cha can distribute it to 4 bowls of Lei Cha in this size. 可以分成四碗。

Lei Cha Soup plays the most important role in this whole dish. I still remember I was haunted by a Lei Cha stall located in Miri's food court centre, the soup tastes bitter and the smells as strong as putting raw vegetables or grass into your mouth. But for this case, its different. The soup, the vegetable smells is still there, but it tastes a lot better than my previous terrible experience. What surprised me was the sunflower seeds are lended into the soup, thus, it tastes better than other Lei Cha, which blended peanut as one of the ingredients for their soup. 茶,肯定是这道菜的主角,擂茶好不好吃就要看它的表现了。坦白说,第一次莅临这家餐馆时,我已被这道菜所吸引。只是,我对擂茶有所阴影,话所当我们一班人一起到米里时,我屁股痒点了当地的擂茶,那茶,就好像是苦茶。那些菜也是苦的,有生以来,第一次觉得“吃”是多么不幸的!但大家大可放心,这茶只有少许苦涩味。不但不会引人反感,反而因为那苦涩味,把那浓浓的葵花籽味,带到另一个层次了,赞啊!

Conclusion, I will definitely visit to this shop again! 总结,我不相信这家店没有瑕疵,我肯定会再登门拜访,找出痛脚!Muahahahaha~

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Most Worthwhile Prawn WantanMee 至抵吃的生虾云吞面

Have you ever bought a bowl of Prawn Wantan Mee with RM4.30 only? Here you go!
有没有吃过RM4.30 有5粒虾云吞的云吞面?那就尝尝这里的生虾云吞面吧!
It is located at Jalan Brunei Utara, Pudu Area.
坐落于Pudu Area 的Jalan Brunei Utara 的生虾云吞面。
You can hardly find a seat during lunch hour.

Shop owner fully utilize the wall as their menu.
Curry Mee (咖喱面)
  • (S) RM4.30
  • (M) RM4.60
  • (L) RM4.80
Prawn Wantan Mee (生虾云吞)
  • (S) RM4.30
  • (M) RM4.60
  • (L) RM4.80
Dumplings Mee (水饺面)
  • (S) RM4.30
  • (M) RM 4.60
  • (L) RM 4.80

Ipoh chicken Hofun with (怡保鸡丝河粉)
  1. Prawn Wantan (虾云吞)
    • (S) RM4.30
    • (M) RM4.60
    • (L) RM4.80
  2. Pork Wantan (猪云吞)
    • (S) RM4.00
    • (M) RM4.30
    • (L) RM4.60
Fish Ball Noodles(西刀鱼丸粉)
  • (S) RM4.00
  • (M) RM4.30
  • (L) RM4.60

Dumplings Noodles without soup, served with 3 dumplings, which is filled with pork.
Prawn Wantan Noodles without Soup, can you see 5 big Prawn Wantans are floating on the soup?
Prawn Wantan Mee with Soup.

I won't comment much on the prawn wantan as this is the first shop I found in KL, which serves customer with prawn wantan. I have nothing to compare but I can tell you, it tastes good above my acceptable level. The soup is just nice. Fried onion, fried pork, onion leaf, which comes together with the soup makes it different from others. Size of the prawn wantan is above acceptable level, and the noodle is normal.

Conclusion, I will visit this shop again and again. Compare with other food stalls in KL, selling smallest wantan mee at RM3.50, by paying additional 80 cents, you can have a better size, amount, and quality of food, why not? Moreover, it is not easy for anyone in KL to get prawn wantan mee at RM4.30, I bet you agree with me.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

James Bond 007: Quantum of Solace (Chinese) 占士邦之《量子危机》

星期五看了占士邦,由于朋友们不太懂到底做了什么,所以我就写一写我对这部戏的剧情的理解供大家参考参考吧!方便的话,大家也来讨论讨论,交换一下意见。在这里我叫他阿邦,显得比较亲切,也比较Liong Beng, kakaka~

1,不懂什么原因抓了Mr. White[应该是延续前一集的恩怨吧?]。经过一番刺激的车战,成功摆脱或者干掉追逐他的敌人。(最后胜利竟然是因为找到一只机关枪把敌人射死,所以,车里的整洁是非常重要的!)
2,审问Mr. White, 结果,有内鬼,把室内的人全给干掉了,M中了一枪,阿邦就当然没事,通街跑,英式飞檐走壁,追那只内鬼。结果也非常明显,阿邦赢了(才刚开始没多久leh)。
3,回去问候M的情况,哎哟!样子还是一样老,一点伤也看不出leh~做戏做到太假了。根据找到的钞票,下一个线索是Mr. Slate.
4,飞去找Mr. Slate,可怜这个kelefeh,出场还没看清他真正的样子,就跟阿邦大哥打来打去,被打死了。神奇的是,阿邦老大hamiksai还没问到,就把他杀死了,si beh confirm这人没线索。
5,下楼,博一博,到服务台问问线索,竟然有人留一个文件包给Mr. Slate哦!(改次真该拍一拍阿邦买六合彩,立刻得奖那种镜头)
7,一出酒店,就有个靓女一号驾着接应。靓女一号误以为阿邦是地理学家,打开文件夹,哦?有把枪!Mr. Slate原来是个杀手,本该杀掉这个靓女一号。
9,原来地理学家已经被干掉,而且,靓女一号接近Dominic Greene(前一集杀害阿邦女友的恶人)是为了接近一个将军,因为她要报仇。
13,阿邦在歌舞剧台上面,整个场所尽在一览中,他觉得是时候了,很LC地提供一个意见,去其他地方开会,OMG!那些大力人智商也蛮低的,被吓到起身走人,阿邦就一个一个拍下照送回总部查查。当然有一个聪明的,桌在那边diam diam不出声,不懂mak sui.
14,Dominic当然si beh 不爽,叫人干掉阿邦。当然,整部戏都是看阿邦的头,他哪里会有事?杀完所有人,还把其中一人从屋顶丢下,正中Dominic的车顶(小孩们看了可别学哦!),怎知那人也是特务来的![不懂是不是真的,可能英国高层在这个事项中也有利益冲突,特地摆了一局]
19,Dok! Dok! Dok! Martin 找上门,他的朋友邀请大家到Dominic安排的聚会。会场中,Martin还特地介绍另一个好友将军给阿邦认识,还以为所有警察会帮阿邦,怎知?
30,肮肮脏脏的靓女一号也爱上阴阴深深的阿邦,说道:“我多想帮你重获自由,可惜那所监牢,是在你心里。”然后阿邦就强吻了她一番,再说bye bye!


其实,DanielCrag饰演阿邦这个角色曾经引起不少争论,我本人觉得他不靓仔,不过一副哭丧脸,看起来酷酷的,很Man,很冷静,蛮适合用来诠释阿邦这个人物的。若要我选择顶着大肚腩的Pierce Brosnan和哭丧脸的Daniel Crag,我宁愿选择Daniel Crag,至少他把阿邦演绎得非常有能力,而不是只靠先进武器的花花公子。

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Shuo Hao De Xing Fu Ne 说好的幸福呢 Jay Chou 周杰伦

歌词请按这!Click Here for lyrics

WaroenG PenyeT

This is an Indonesian restaurant which did a good branding effort. Choosing a cute chicken and a chili as their Logo, they convey their shop very well, they are selling "Hot Chicks".

有几次要小便时经过这家快餐店,都会被招牌的那几只可爱到~~~的鸡吸引到。加上人潮不错,好几次都差一点忍不住冲了进去,所幸的是,我虽然血气方刚,但自制能力可不错的哦!前几天在The Curve买了戏票后,肚子咕噜咕噜叫了起来,经过这家店前时,竟然按捺不住胃中那股蠢蠢欲动的欲火,最终屈服于那只可爱到~~~ 的母鸡的淫威之下。T_T

It's located next to Toilet at 1st floor of The Curve.
Some of their shopkeepers are imported from Indonesia, :P The restaurant is repeatedly surrounding with Malay and Indonesian Songs. I checked with the staff, Ayam Penyet means flattened chicken. Are they really flattening the chicken? Skeptical.

其实,如果你不喜欢Pasar Malam马来同胞的炸鸡,那就别浪费时间和金钱来这家快餐店了。这家店的主题是Ayam Penyet, 出于好奇Ayam Penyet到底是不是Ayam Pendek的意思,多口问了店员这个问题,哇赛!那店员竟然口操印尼音,有事没事给我来个英文解释[其实那店员只是照着餐牌读而已], Flattened Fried Chicken, 吓了我一跳!好端端的一只鸡,干嘛给它弄扁呢?真的是摸不着脑袋leh~


Tahu, Tempe & Telor Penyet RM5.90
Tahu = taufu, Tempe = ? [Taste a bit sour, should be fermented], Telor Penyet = Normal boiled egg. Nothing special except Tempe, but it doesn't taste good to me.

Wings Penyet (flattened fried chicken wings) RM5.90
Normal Fried Chicken, you get it in any Pasar Malam. But of course, the spices added in is better than Pasar Malam, and the quality control should be better. If you compare it with KFC or Macdonald, I would say the chicken is much fresh than the others.

Es Waroeng RM3.50
This is a bit special. Normal bandung ( combination of syrup and condensed milk) + Malay Cake (Dadih). It's a good try, but I won't quote is a good outcome from their innovative because I still think normal ABC taste better than this.
特别饮料 RM3.50。Bandung+马来糕。蛮特别的,但本人还是比较喜欢ABC。
Conclusion? Don't waste your time and money to this shop.
总结,这次真的是我不入地狱谁入地狱?就此一次,绝无下次!No Next Time!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Belly Dance Costumes 肚皮舞装

For those belly dancers who are interested to buy customes or accesories, this is where you should look for. There is a shop located at Petaling Street in between a wholesale shop and Lee's Pen Service Shop. All accesories priced range from RM20.00 to RM40.00.


A wholesale shop next to the Belly Dance Costume Shop.

The Lee's Pen Service shop next to the Belly Dance Costume Shop

Things that you must do right after Car Accident

When you are hit by someone
1. Remember the CAR PLATE NUMBER and CAR TYPE!
2. If possible, get down from the car, snap few photos on the spot, but don't do so when you are alone, or the subject hit you at quiet road. Most of the kidnappers will intentionally knock your car and attempting to kidnap you when you get out to inspect your car!
3. Jot down IC Number/Driving license and Name of the driver, this doesn't applicable for hit and run cases.
4. Report Police within 24 hours. As a statistic lor~ abothen? Where do you think reporters get those blar blar blar statistic? Head Office of traffic department in KL is located at Pasar Seni. Park your car at the car park opposite of the police station. It is a designated car park area owned by police station for "injured" cars.
  • Don't worry about what to write. There's a template pasted at the desk in English and Malay version, you may just copy, modify a bit, and fill in some blanks area in the template. Typical Malaysian style, Malaysia Boleh!
  • Nowadays all the police reports are computerized already, you have to feed your input to the system. Don't simply click the buttons, listen to the police's so-called "SIMPLEST" way to input or else? Be prepared to get scolded by them !
  • After that, you have to meet inspector. Normally, Inspector will get your IC and Driving License for photocopy purposes. Be prepared with RM1.00.
  • After reporting the accident, you will receive a small slip. You have to move your car to a small hut within the police station's car park area for snapshots. After that, you may get a copy of your report, RM4.00. Working hours is from Monday to Friday, 8.00am to 3.30pm. So, please choose the right time for car accident or else, you will have to visit the police station for 3 times.
  • After getting your report copy, if you wanted to claim 3rd party insurance, please request green form (insurance claim form) from the counter, you have to fill in and submit to the counter.
  • Counter receptionist will give you a green slip stating a list of requested reports and they need 2 weeks to process it.
  • After 2 weeks, please call in to check for the status, 03-20719847/03-20719848. I bet you will spend the whole day dialing the same number yet no body is picking up your call.
  • Visit the police station again, get prepared with RM14.00. (RM4.00 for a draft diagram of the accident, RM6.00 for photo printing, RM4.00 for 3rd party police report)
5. Fix your car, either paid by yourselves(fastest way the fix your car), claim 3rd Party Insurance (better claim it when your car is hit by someone, get original parts ma~), or claim your own insurance (mostly for hit and run case)

Note: If you want to claim insurance, prepare the following items:
  1. A copy of registration card
  2. a copy of Insurance cover note/policy
  3. I.C. and driving licence (owner)
  4. I.C. and driving licence (driver)
  5. Hire Purchase Agreement
  6. Police Report
  7. Draft Diagram
  8. Case Result
  9. Snapshots of your car issued by police
  10. J.P.J. Extract. (Either you do it or Insurance Adjuster will do it to get Third Party Insurance Particulars, Cover Note/Policy from JPJ. [Not sure are they going to charge anything or not])
  11. Police Reports of Third Party
Conclusion? TROUBLESOME! So please give no chance to others to hit your car, ok?

How about when you hit someone?
I guess most of the people will ask you to run! If your car still able to move! That's what most of the people in this planet did!

Conclusion? SBTL!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Green Meadow 绿禾养生坊

Found a nice place to have Organic Food! It's located at SS2, which is Green Meadow Health Cafe & Wellness Center, 62-52C, SS2/67, 47300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.

吃到不知要吃什么,一到午餐就头疼的地步(早餐晚餐可以喝Herbalife待餐),这个周末,竟让我和宝贝发现了世外桃源,而且只隔几条街!那就是坐落于SS2的Green Meadow(Murni, Public Bank 后面,HSBC Sales Office,KFC,太子茶餐厅那排店,北京同仁堂隔壁)啦!这间毫不起眼的绿禾餐馆,可说是让我大开眼界啦~ 曾经在面试时考官出个题目叫我选择快餐或有机餐,我毫不犹豫的选了快餐,如今,如果有机会再回到那时,我肯定选绿禾的有机餐!Da Gao Lok Dong, 给你看看以下这些照片先!

It looks like Sushi, It tastes like Sushi, but it's not Sushi! It's SEAWEED HO-FUN ROLL. Ingredients? Carrots, Cucumber and etc. wrapped with Seaweed and HO-FUN! This is IMPRESSIVE! I never imagine of this combination before! RM4.90 per plate.


This is Hakka Abacus. That was my first time to try it and guess what! I love it! I don't how to categorize it, main dish? or side dish? Whatever is it, just order it! You may think it's just flour, but I bet you won't think like that after trying it! RM4.90 per plate.

客家算盘子!从没试过!第一次摆入口,感觉真的是~~~赞啊~看到它时,在我想象中,它只是一团面粉,就像...就像...就像汤圆!对!就像汤圆!Mana zai ia, 不是这么回事leh~吃起来,有少少的口感,就像炒过的汤圆(怎么会有人拿汤圆来炒leh?@_@),不过内部的味道绝对不是汤圆的味道,就是有一种...一种...香香的味道,可又说不上是什么味道,总之是好吃啦!去吃就对啦!(舌穷,Fak Lan Zha!)RM4.90.

Their quote their set meal at RM11.90. You have to pay additional RM1.00 for a herbal tea (Fishwort Herbal Tea Booster). They serve you charcoal brown rice, organic vegetables, and 2 side dishes. You may choose 2 out of the following :

  1. Tofu with Chinese blar blar blar :P

  2. Tofu with Seaweed

  3. Stewed Lotus Root

  4. Vegetarian Curry

  5. Cabbage Rolls

  6. Seaweed Tofu Slice
I chose vegetarian curry and cabbage rolls.

套餐! 出乎意料的好,只需区区RM11.90,你就可享有非常健康和丰盛的一餐,如果你和快餐做个比较,这个套餐简直是便宜到lao sai!通常那些所谓的套餐都是东凑西拼,扣个一两零吉,然后来个大标题"乱乱卖!省blar blar blar零吉",但是,这里可是货真价实哦!有机蔬菜加上糙米还有两个泡菜,你说值不值?还很大盘的leh~你看!盘里的菜都没什么空间呼吸了!那两个泡菜你可以选:

  1. 香X豆腐(相机太烂,看不清香什么,抱歉抱歉!)

  2. 海带菜豆腐

  3. 应该是素加哩吧?抱歉抱歉!

  4. 卤莲藕

  5. 包菜卷

  6. 煎海苔豆片
Amazing! Cabbage roll! I wonder how they wrap the things properly with cabbage. Don't you think so?

Teo Chew O-Nii! It was my first attempt to taste it. I don't know how to appreciate it. It tastes like a sweet watery santan, and I don't like it. I don't mind if you want to share your experience with me. RM4.90 per plate.

They sell Organic Vegetable at here too! But I don't know the price is reasonable or not as I never research on this. No comment!

The Environment suit the restaurant name, everything looks so pleasant in green.

On top of that, they have 31 Days Set Meal Program, which could be worthwhile to participate. Anyway, I am not their spokesman, I shouldn't comment too much here, go to ask them by yourselves lah!

In a nut shell, their vision is clearly spelled out by the food, which is simple and focus on the quality of the food. They are selling neither the environment nor concept of it. With the quantity and the quality of the food that they served me, I would say it worth more than what I paid.