Friday, January 2, 2009

Good Bye 2008!

Year 2009 started for few days already. I have yet to say good bye to year 2008. For formality purpose, Year 2008, tata~

For the past 25 years, I couldn't remember I did any review of the year or not. Anyway, after attending the Fundamental Project Management for IT, I have a strong will to write down what I had done and achieved for all year long.
  1. Family : Mum's health condition remains status quo. How I wish she can get better and better, happier and happier. Dad managed to visit his siblings during my cousin's wedding. Sisters? I have to cut it short, in a nutshell, I believe they are happy this year, kakaka~
  2. Love : I started a relationship. Thanks god, thanks to my current job, thanks to my 18 generation of ancestors, friends, and of course to my babe too. Thanks for accepting my love and loving me in return as well.
  3. Friends : Quite sad, I am weak in maintaining a strong good term with some of my friends. CK, Jeff, Hoopy, Honey, Mama, Siew Ko, sorry ya~ I will improve it this year.
  4. Career : This year's bonus not as good as last year, due to management strategic investment for regional expansion by paying out 4.6 times book price. How I wish I am the recipient. My direct selling business is not running smoothly, anyway, I know it's not my priority at this moment. The fashion house business is remain stagnant, oh! I even forgot the check the selling status with my friend, urghhhh!
  5. Investment : Forget it~ You know what is Global Financial Crisis?
  6. Property : Bought a car! Some might think it's a liability but I still consider it as my fix asset, although it depreciate every year. Anyway, her name is Little White, IC number is WRM9788, haven't full 1 year. Although it drains 33% of my grossl income, but I have no regrets at all. because I enjoy the freedoms and flexibility to wander around in this city with Little White.
  7. Study : I have to put this aside first, bread and butter is much more important at this moment.
  8. Sports : It is all about determination and consistency, but I just couldn't manage it. I will set a plan for Year 2009.
  9. Travel : Business Trip to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam [for a project]. Personal trip to Kelantan [my home town], Lang Tengah [to kao my babe, :P], Miri [Heng Dai Ah Ku's wedding], Batu Pahat [meet Pong Chi and babe's parents], Melacca[with babe on adhoc basis] and Singapore [just right after Christmas, to meet White Rose members].
What else? I guess that's all at this moment. Tata~


2009年1月2号,新一年的第一天在虎头帮报到,递了辞职信了。原本以为会松了一口气,可是,心情还是一样的糟。心中还是有满满的不舍和愧疚,姐姐们说我还嫩,出来社会工作没多久,面对这些聚散离合的场面不舒服是理所当然的。原以为这样的说辞足以解释我现在的心情与想法,但是,我想我应该是把太多的感情放在这间银行了吧?还记得玉红Aunty(一个加入老虎帮六个月就退党的Aunty)曾经告诉我,"You can love your job, but you should never love your company",不过,我就是犯了这个大忌。也难怪的,家中老大自我年幼是帮中人物,从小到大,我所用的帽子、书包、手表等,没一样不是老虎帮的产品,可说是看着老虎帮长大的,甚至说是老虎帮的代言人也不过分。毕业后,很侥幸的通过Ajit,Norsi,还有Hiro的考验,加入老虎帮,我真的人为是冥冥中自有安排的。如此深厚的感情、际遇与缘分,你能说罢就罢吗?





还有其他战友,吝啬缩骨爱整人的旺叔、整天以为自己很Fit却又顶着很厚的胸部和肚腩,全身被密密麻麻的毛发裹着的Gay Gay (KK)、已为人妻的晓慧(不方便过分形容她,因为她很小气的leh~kekeke)、长得很像林忆莲,却以为自己是Rain的中国翻版货,Lame~ (Peter仔)、喜欢打字不喜欢说话的阿Ong、爱说道理的VJ, 一直努力提拔我的古老前辈。还有各位aunty, 超爱Piak人的“神笑你”,超爱被人整的猪咪咪,讲话超直接的TSL,豆腐花老板娘Ah Pat,好多故事的CKM,和阿莲有暧昧关系的chew chew。再会了!